

  • 料號:3042-Q

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction


Thel Gate Charge Tester 3042-Q measures the gate charge of MOSFET.
This tester is equipped with CONTACT CHECK and OPEN / SHORT test functions, and performs high volume production testing.
Parameter Range Resolution Unit
QGS1 0.5 to 499.9 0.1 nC
QGS2 0.5 to 499.9 0.1 nC
QG-SWITCH 0.5 to 499.9 0.1 nC
QG-CONTROL 0.5 to 499.9 0.1 nC
QG-SYNC 0.5 to 499.9 0.1 nC
 QOSS 0.5 to 499.9 0.1 nC
CDV/DT 0.1 to 499.9 0.1 nC
RDSON 0.001 to 1.999 0.001 Ω
Conditions Range Resolution Unit
Drain voltage (Vds) 5.0 to 60.0 0.25 V
Drain current (Id max) 2.0 to 50.0 0.2 A
Vg max 2.0 to 15.0 0.1 V
 Id@Vth 200.0 to 999.9 50 μA

Single or dual die MOSFET device test
Standard Tester / Handler interface
Kelvin test with 20mA constant current
Device Functional pre-test [Open/short]
Auto or Manual test operation
User-friendly interface, cataloging, program editor, and test summary
Networking capability (option)
Simple calibration procedure.
Fully programmable Forcing conditions and Parameters
High Drain current capability up to 50 A