

  • 料號:3905-HTR

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction


3905-HTR is a MAP Sorter which picks up devices from wafer ring and sorts to tape, tube or bin according to the MAP file created by 4170-IH. 3905-HTR is a high speed handling system, available for 12 inches wafer rings. When used in combination with 4170-IH, 3905-HTR much improves efficiency in testing process of leadless devices as a high speed sorting machine.
Model 3905-HTR
Applicable Package QFN, DFN, CSP, BGA, BCC, LLP
Applicable Ring Size 8 or 12 inch
Applicable Device Size 1x1 - 10x10
Max Throughput (pc/h)* 15,000
Cycle Time (s/pc) 0.2
Test Station -
Contactor Type -
Sort Category (Max) Depend on device storing method
Feeding 1 cassette (25 wafer rings)
Sorting Taping 1-2, auto tube, bin